Oh my goodness, I LOVED this Oregon Forest Family Session!!! I travel for weddings at least a couple times a year and I had a whimsical forest wedding in Oregon in September. So, I went to see a couple friends in Oregon while I was traveling for that wedding! Sam is one of my closest friends from when we lived in Oregon and I love visiting her! She always lets me stay with them in her super cute guest bedroom and is even willing to let me borrow her car if needed! A little bit before my trip she texted me and said, ‘How would you feel about taking our family photos while you’re here?’ and of course I replied with, ‘SO GOOD!!!’. haha! I absolutely LOVE it when friends and family ask me to take their family photos!
Sam really wanted to go find a super pretty spot in the forest so we planned it all out and she asked for my help with outfits which was so fun! Sam & Alan have 3 boys so that was a little different for me since I’m used to only planning an outfit for one guy in our family (my husband. haha!). But I loved the challenge and we came up with something that looked so good!!! Sam’s dress was to die for!!!! It was SO pretty on her and went perfectly with the rest of the family’s outfits! It also popped so well once we actually got to the forest! We had to drive about an hour and then we just pulled off at a good spot and started photographing! We got a little bit of a late start so we had to be super quick with photo combinations! … Their littlest boy also fell asleep on the way there so he was not very happy when we finally got out for pictures. But we made it work!! We bribed him with candy and then the smiles came out! haha!
We got some super cute photos of the whole family and some of just the boys and then Sam & Alan changed and we took some more of just the 2 of them, which we all know is my favorite part of any session!! I love seeing how couples interact together when it’s just them! And Sam & Alan were so cute together! Alan was being such a gentleman and making Sam laugh which was perfect! We ended the session by taking some photos of just Sam too since she is in the process of writing her first novels and trying to get published! You can follow along on her journey here!
I absolutely loved this Oregon Forest Family Session and if anyone wants to hire me for any other forest sessions, I am all there!!!