This year is a little different than others around this time. Usually my husband is working and we have plans set for what we’re doing on Thanksgiving and who we’re spending the day with. But this time around, we have a baby, Geoffrey is in school and we still have no idea what we’re doing on turkey day! But what we do know is that we’ll be spending it together.
This past summer has been crazy to say the least! I have been way too busy and I’ve really struggled with finding the balance between being a new mom and still having my own life. And Geoffrey has been so patient. He’s waited for me to figure out what I wanted and he’s supported me in everything even though it sometimes meant less time with him.
But I realized that I needed that time to learn some hard but very valuable lessons.
The first being that my family is the most important. I hate to say that I’ve neglected them way too much lately and when I realized it, I was so sad and knew something had to change. My family is my rock. They are my guidepost. They are my constant and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.
The second, that sometimes you just have to learn to be happy where you are. I’ve always been a go-getter. Someone who has to be busy all the time. So, when I get down, I find a project to do…some are bigger than others. But they always take up most of my time. And I’ve learned that while I still need to improve and grow, I also need to take a look at where I am and stop to realize how blessed I am.
The third, that my dreams are big and it’s okay if not all of them happen right away. I’m not very patient. So, waiting for my dreams to come true is a little rough for me. I get complacent and antsy and frustrated. But there’s a time and season for everything and I need to remember that. My dreams will come true, but only if I keep working at them slow and steady instead of getting side-tracked in trying to find a faster option.
The fourth, that I am blessed more than I ever imagined. We may be poor college students, and we may have occasional health problems, but mostly we are pretty well off. We have family and friends around who love and care for us and a roof over our heads and food on our plates.
So, this Thanksgiving, I encourage you to think about what you’re thankful for. What you have in your life that reminds you you’re not alone, that your dreams will come true and that you are better off than you think.