
November 15, 2017

Happy 3 years | A letter to Geoffrey | Idaho Wedding Photographer | Sarah Tapp Photography


I can’t believe it’s been 3 years already. I still remember the day you proposed, asking me if I would ‘be your eternal companion’. I still remember the jitters I felt leading up to our wedding and the way you calmed me down and told me everything would be okay. I still remember the emotions I felt when we were sealed together forever. I also remember how freezing cold it was!!! 😉 But it was all worth it.

You’ve taught me more than I could imagine. You’ve taught me how to love, how to be patient, how to serve, how to sacrifice and how to endure. The past year hasn’t been the easiest, adjusting to having a baby. But, you have helped me grow so much. You’re the one that’s always stuck by my side. You’re the one that’s lifted me up when I feel like I can’t do it by myself. You’re the one that repeatedly tells me everything is going to work out. You’re the one that has always supported me in my dreams, even if you think they’re crazy!

I’m so grateful for you and for our life together. You are such an amazing husband and awesome daddy! I’m grateful for your determination and your strength. I love how hard you work and I know that whenever I’m with you, I’m safe. I can’t wait to continue this life with you, to raise a family with you, and to grow old with you. I love you Geoffrey Tapp. Happy Anniversary!! =)

Love, your wife

Photo Credit ~ Michelle & Logan

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