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Ah, I love Easter! My favorite season has always been Spring and of course Easter always falls around Springtime! … But this Easter feels a lot different to me than any Easter I’ve ever celebrated. … The past 2 years have been really difficult for me. And especially this last year. Covid has taken a […]
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Well, this year has definitely been a whirlwind and I hate to admit that I’ve spent a lot of the year being frustrated. .. I’ve realized I’m quite a control freak. So, when things seem to be out of my control, I get really upset… and stressed. haha. So, I was SO looking forward to […]
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Well, this year has been pretty rough for me and even though I pride myself on being ‘perfect’ I have had some serious doubts and struggles. One of them being my faith. I’ve always thought of myself as very obedient and definitely not a rule-breaker. I’ve been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ […]