On Goals 2017 | Idaho Wedding Photographer | Sarah Tapp Photography
Every year at Christmas I make one big goal. Something that I can work on all year long. And last year I went to a meeting with a group of other creatives where they encouraged us to make 5 personal goals and 5 business goals. They also encouraged us to pick one word for the year. This word was supposed to encourage us and inspire us.
So, my word for 2016 was ‘grow’. I really wanted to grow in my business and my personal life. So, I wrote down 10 goals (including the goal I made at Christmas) and really made an effort to work on them throughout the year. And it made a huge difference in my life! So, I decided to do the same thing this year! And I’m going to share my word for the year and 6 of my goals with you!
~My word for this year is HAPPY!~
I am a realist. And I’ve always thought that I was pretty positive but that doesn’t always mean that I’m the best at being happy. This year I really want to enjoy life! I don’t want to worry about things and be so stressed that I can’t be happy. I’m so grateful for all that I have and I want to start acting like it! So, I’m going to do that by being happy!
~Personal goals~
1~Have faith in myself and in God~
I believe in God and I believe that He can help me do anything. But sometimes I think I forget that. So, instead of fearing and worrying about things, I’m going to rely on Him and believe in Him. I’m going to remember that I can do ANYTHING with His help.
2~Be happier!~
I am definitely a worrier. And it’s been really bad lately. I had my first baby about a month ago and it’s crazy how much I worry about her and about every decision I make! And it’s really been stressing me out and it’s been keeping me from enjoying having a sweet new baby girl! So, I’m really going to try to let things go and just be happy!
3~Be an extrovert!~
This one is definitely going to be hard for me. I am an introvert by nature but I really believe in learning and growing to become better. And sometimes the only way we can do that is by stepping out of our comfort zone. So, I’m going to try talking to new people and making new friends!
~Business goals~
1~Finish and update my website~
I really want to have a strong online presence and I want my brides and grooms to feel like they are in capable hands. And I think one of the best ways to do that is to share who I am and what I do. So, I’m going to work on making my website genuine and authentic!
2~Attend 1 conference or workshop~
The more I learn the better I become! This industry is changing all the time and there’s always room to improve!
3~Invest in marketing~
Marketing is my number 1 struggle in my business! Like I mentioned above, I am an introvert. So, putting myself and my business out there is sometimes really hard for me. But, I am really going to focus on marketing this year and make it a priority for my business!