Married Life | My Love Story | Idaho Wedding Photographer | Sarah Tapp Photography
Well, as you can imagine, after we got married, life was great! We moved into a small, old apartment in Idaho Falls with electric heat and a guy who lived above us that smoked all the time. We didn’t have a kitchen table so we used an upside down box and sat on the couch for meals. haha. Geoff worked part-time at a hobby store close to our apartment, but drove 45 minutes everyday to school. But, it didn’t matter because we were just happy to be married!
We were called to be in primary in that ward so we taught 5 and 6 year olds about the gospel! =) We hardly knew anyone in our ward, but we loved being with the little kiddos every Sunday. We didn’t have a washer and dryer so we made lots of trips home to Rigby to do laundry. Eventually, we got tired of commuting all the time and Geoff got tired of waking up so early so he could make it to school on time.
So, we had some friends who lived in a cute little house in Rigby and they were going to be moving. They called us and asked if we wanted to rent their house from them. They wanted someone they could trust since it was their first time renting to anyone. Well, we still had 6 months left in our lease but we decided it was way more worth it to be in Rigby and save money on gas. So, in March of 2015 we packed all of our belongings into my little red dodge and moved 30 minutes, but gained so much space! We got 2 bedrooms, a garage and a HUGE yard to take care of! We weren’t sure how we were ever going to fill all of it, but as most of you probably know, when you have more space, you figure out how to fill it pretty quickly.
I set out to working on lots of projects, switched jobs so I could earn more while Geoff was in school and tried to be the picture perfect wife. Having dinner ready at 6pm sharp every night, keeping the house clean, keeping up with all the yard work (watering the whole lawn), and still being emotionally supportive to my husband. Well, that didn’t last very long.
In October of 2015 I learned that I was pregnant! We couldn’t have been more excited. We didn’t wait to tell our families and everyone else was so excited for us too. But it didn’t last long. I had a miscarriage the very next day and that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through. My whole world broke down and it was very hard to recover. Thankfully, my husband was so supportive and he just kept telling me we would see that child again and have an opportunity to raise him or her. And that gave me a lot of hope and strength. I was no longer the perfect wife and I didn’t keep things together all the time, but hey, I’m human. I realized that life wasn’t about being perfect, it was about trials and faith.
Well, then in April of 2016 we found out that my husband’s mother had cancer. Geoffrey was in school at the time and working part-time. We also found out that I was pregnant again. And I was an emotional and physical wreck! I was working full-time and as lots of moms can relate, I was nauseous every single day. And working at a grocery store just made it worse. I relied on Geoffrey a lot and he was very stressed trying to help me, get through school and take care of his mom all at the same time. We weren’t sure if his mom was going to make it and we weren’t sure if I would be able to keep this baby I was carrying.
But we kept pushing through. Geoff’s mom had surgery in June and they removed all of the cancer and she is now cancer free! I quit my job in July and Geoffrey finished school the end of July. As you can imagine, he didn’t do super great in school that semester. He really struggled and ended up taking a year off. Which actually was kind of perfect timing because I had our baby Dec. 30th 2016.
We have been through a lot together and life is definitely never boring but I’m so grateful for every experience we’ve had together. Everything we’ve been through has brought us closer together and has strengthened our marriage. And I wouldn’t trade any of it. =)