Hey sweet girl,
It’s your birthday!!! I’m so excited for you and I know you are excited too! This year has definitely been crazy and I haven’t always been very patient with you but it is so exciting to watch you grow and learn new things every day! You’ve really started to talk a lot more and we can actually understand you now! haha. You’re always asking, ‘What’s that?’ and ‘What are you doing?’ and you are curious about everything! You always want to help and you’ve proved to me that you are in fact growing up.
Thank you for being my first girl and for making me a mama. I love your sweet smile and spirit! I love that nursery (at church) is your favorite and that you get so excited about the little things! I love that you love playing with friends and family and even though it’s a little annoying, I love that you try to talk to everyone and anyone who’s on the phone with me! I love that you’re a little mama to Embree and I love that you have to have your ‘phone’, kitty kat, boat (that daddy made), ornament (that mom made), little book, stuffed animals and all 3 of your favorite blankets with you to go to bed! (Oh, and your pink purse from Aunt Melanie!) I love that you have to have everything in it’s place and that you are so good at cleaning up! And most of all I love that you are so happy and full of life! Happy birthday Miss Adalynn!
Love mama