Hey Love,
It has been quite the year for us. It started out pretty rocky and it’s still pretty rocky. But there’s no one else I’d rather experience this journey with. I feel like I’ve been on a long hard road to self discovery, growth and change this whole year. And it’s been rough. I’ve been mad and sad and more emotional than I’ve ever been before. And you get the brunt of it. I’ve needed a lot more time for myself to keep anxiety down and to figure out who I am. You’ve watched the girls more than you ever have before and you’ve picked up the slack when I can’t. You’ve supported me and helped me take the time I need to learn and grow and become. You’ve never made me feel unworthy or unloved and you have always validated my feelings and you’ve helped me see my potential and my worth. . . even though I’m not perfect.
And you’ve done all this while working a new and stressful job, dealing with working from home, helping me make 3D printed earrings and still pitching in around the house, making dinners and taking out the endless amounts of trash. Not to mention, changing diapers, feeding picky kids, settling many arguments and dealing with everything girly! I am so lucky to have you by my side in this crazy, beautiful, hard life. I love you.
Love, your wife