You are enough | Sarah’s Tips | Idaho Wedding Photographer | Sarah Tapp Photography
I recently attended a photography retreat with 6 other amazing creatives. Michelle Peterson from Michelle & Logan and Meghan Harrison from Meghan Rose Photography put everything together and invited people to attend. You can read more about that experience here. But, the whole theme of the retreat was ‘You are enough’.
And what an amazing reminder it was. I’ve always been the person that pushes myself and then gets frustrated if I can’t get something done. So, I don’t try new things because I don’t want to fail. I don’t stick with something if I’m not good at it and I set unrealistic expectations for myself and my life. And I’ve always believed that it’s okay not to be perfect but it’s like the message never really sinks in for myself and my own life. I’m always frustrated because I can’t do things or because I get tired too easily or whatever the case may be.
And it’s actually taken me a long time to realize this about myself. It took getting pregnant and having to slow down physically for me to realize that I’m not perfect and that I can’t always get things done, but that that’s okay and that everything I’m doing and everything I am is enough. There are so many people and things in this world that are telling us that we’re not good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough. That we’ll never amount to anything and that because of our background we’re not worth anything.
But I’m here to tell you that NONE of that is true. People are going to think what they’re going to think no matter what. But it’s what you think of yourself that truly matters. And sometimes it just takes a reminder to know that we’re doing the best we can. And that the best we can do is different than the best someone else can do and that’s okay. I know I’m not the only one that has felt like they are not good enough at some point in their life, in their business, in their relationships, etc. But the truth is, as long as you are doing the best that you can do, everything and anything you decide to do will be good enough.