Dear Love,
IT’S YOUR 25TH BIRTHDAY! Man, we’re getting old. 😉 Well, I feel like I’m getting old, but maybe you don’t. But then again, going to bed before 9pm every night, pretty much means we’re in full adulting mode! LOL! Even though I don’t have anything major planned for this birthday, I just want to let you know that I love you. I’m so grateful for your spirit and your kindness and most importantly, your love. When we met 8 years ago, I had no idea that I would be celebrating so many birthdays and anniversaries with you. But I know that you knew we would be. You’ve never given up on me, in more ways than one. You’re always there for me, even when I haven’t always been there for you. And I know that even though sometimes I’m cranky and annoyed, you still love me.
I feel like I’ve been such a failure at celebrating birthdays the last 2 years! I haven’t planned anything exciting and I’ve definitely been pre-occupied. Especially last year with a new baby. Now that Adalynn is older, I feel like our lives are getting closer to normal again. We’re not crazy tired all the time and even though we still worry about Adalynn, we know that we need to keep our relationship strong too. And for most of the year last year, I forgot that. I forgot to take time for you and to support you. I forgot that our relationship is most important and that if I want our family to be together forever, I have to make an effort to stay connected to you.
So, my birthday gift to you this year is to be fully present in our life together. I want to support you in everything you do. I want to love you more than I have before. And I want to make every effort I can to strengthen our relationship. To be an example to our little girl, and to others, that marriage IS important and it IS sacred. And even though sometimes we drive each other crazy, we’re not going to give up on each other. Because we both believe that our love is strong and that we are better together. So, happy birthday geoffrey tapp! Here’s to another year of celebrating you! I love you.
Love Sarah