
December 23, 2018

Christmas | Personal | Idaho Wedding Photographer | Sarah Tapp Photography

To most people around the world, Christmas is probably about Santa and gifts and ugly sweaters and perfectly trimmed Christmas trees. But, for me, it’s so much more. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I believe in God. So, Christmas for me is about Him. It’s about the birth of Jesus Christ and about remembering all that He has done for me. It’s about remembering His life and His death. It’s about remembering that He died for me and lived for me. That because of Him, I can return to live with Him again. There have been so many times in my life when I’ve had to rely on my Savior to help me through trials and hard times. And He always comes through. Maybe not in the way I want, but I’m always comforted and strengthened. So, at Christmas I remember Him. Something my husband and I have made a goal to do each year is give a gift to the Savior. He has given everything for us so it’s only fitting that we should give something to Him. We don’t give anything tangible, but rather something that we can improve on or give to someone else. In previous years, I’ve worked on trusting Him more, simplifying my life and this year I’m hoping to work on lifting others. We write our gift down on a piece of paper and put it in a little snowman stocking we have that hangs on our tree. I also write my gift down on a chalkboard in my room so I can see it daily and continue to work on it. Each year on Christmas Eve, we get out the papers from last year and talk about what we’ve done and how it’s changed our lives and then we make goals for the new year. I can’t say that I’m the best at always remembering to work on my gift, but I do notice a change in my life and especially this last year I have had several instances when I’ve read my chalkboard and remembered that I just need to keep things simple. If we go to the Lord with a sincere heart and really strive to remember Him and become more like Him, He will bless our lives. I know the times when I’m working to be better are the times that I’m blessed more than I can imagine! And I’m so grateful for that. So, I challenge you this year to think about what you can give to the Savior and see how He will bless your life in return.

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